About Us

Our Identity.

Printer's Club Expo Private Limited is a group company of “Printers Club”. Printers club has a network of over 25,000+ printers and experience is more than 15 years. Our inception stems from the idea of making the Indian printing industry one of the world's best. Printers Club Expo Pvt Ltd is a B2B show organizer and aims to take the expo to every corner of India and provide a new direction to the printing industry.

"We have an enthusiastic and knowledgeable team that understands the trends in this industry, holds extensive experience of the industry, and consistently gives their best to make each of our expos a success."

Our Vision-Mission.

"Our vision is to provide an extremely sustainable, reasonable and cost-effective opportunity to exhibitors that will assist in the development of the printing industry. Every action taken or will be taken by us demonstrates our commitment to the advancement of the printing industry."

"Our mission is to raise awareness among all printers in India and acquaint them not only with new technologies, new products, and new machines but also with new processes through our expo. We aim to organize expos in every corner of India to reach out to the printing industry there."

Our unique offerings.

   A massive network of 25,000+ visitors.
  An excellent team with enthusiasm for new ideas and experimentation.
   Organizing the first-ever “Expo series” in the history of the printing industry.
   Hosting expo in rapidly growing cities across the country alongside Delhi and Mumbai with high volume of visitors.
   Run numerous programs to create awareness and motivate Visitors.
   Offering exhibitors the opportunity to participate at the lowest prices with maximum facilities including assistance for accommodation at discounted prices.
   A coordinator officer assign to each exhibitor to listen, understand, and provide solutions to his problems.

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